About Shelby


Hey y’all. I’m Shelby, I'm one of the queens. I’m very southern and very loud! I can’t help it, its who I am and I'm very proud of it! I love painting (Check out the business I own with my mom Sweet Grass Designs <- shameless plug), crafting and turning old things into new awesome creations! I'm a busy mom so I'm always on the go! I currently work at a local high school doing attendance. 

 I’m married to my (mostly) awesome husband, Chad. He's a busy hard working man that we are very thankful for!!! He works for the local sheriff's department where he is the Director of Detention Services. He is also a newly graduate of the University of Mississippi with a degree in Political Science. His next step is getting his masters at Arkansas State.

 We have an amazingly cute 3 year old, Reeves! He is a typical 3 year old, mood swings and all! He's the only child, only grandchild, only nephew... so he's not spoiled at all!!

Before we had Reeves we had our german shepherd, Deigo. Deigo is very much Chad's dog!  When Reeves was a little over a year old, we got Coal, Reeves’ cat. And we recently got a standard poodle, Tucker (mom needed a pet of her own!).

Chad and I started dating in 2007. 
We dated for almost 4 long years before we got married on June 26, 2010. 

Within 3 months we were pregnant with our little bundle of joy! Reeves was born on July 3, 2011. 

Chad and I bought our first house in 2012! We are so excited, it's almost our dream home! We are having fun being first time homeowners and making the house our home! I'm excited to share our projects with you!

So, thats our family. We are loud (understatement) and crazy but we love each other more than anything! Family first! 

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