Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Front Flowerbed... again

Chad's mom is doing some spring cleaning. She has given us all kinds of awesome things, but the most exciting thing has been some large bricks! Which gave us the incentive to re-do the front flowrer bed... again! 

This is what it looked like last time we cleaned it out and put down pine straw.

Notice the sad little tree in the front yard. It has been the same exact size since we planted it (2 years ago). Does anybody know what it is or why it's not growing?!

We started by cleaning the beds out and putting the bricks down. We have always wanted a side walk, but that would cost more money than we are wanting to spend right now. For now, we just made a fake walkway right in front of the door.... you'll see.

We had so much grass growing over the beds, Chad just used the weedeater and cleared it all out. It saved time, we would have been there for hours pulling all of that out! 

Next we decided on black mulch. Home Depot was having a sell on mulch. 4- 2 cu ft for $10! We got 8 bags. Then we got 4 bags of red lava rocks for the walkway. 

Would you be surprised if I told you we had to go to Home Depot twice?

After we decided on what we were going to put in the beds, we had to clean it out really good and level the walkway. 

We had originally decided to use the 4 walking stones along with the lava rocks, but quickly decided against that. 

Here's the final product!!! 

We LOVE it!!! 

Have ya'll done any big outside projects lately?

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