As ya'll know we have 2 big dogs and a cat. Deigo is 5 years old and Coal uses the litter box but ole Tucker is only 7 months old. He has had way too many accidents on the carpet. Plus Reeves has spilled many sippy cups. We have a steam cleaner so our carpet doesn't "look" terrible... well as long as you come after I've cleaned them.
But the smell is still there! My biggest fear is someone is going to come in our house and only smell dog! Plus, Reeves is always playing on the floor and the thought of him smelling it is too much for me to handle!
Here's what I do:
FIRST, I vacuumed the floors REALLY good. I vacuumed in the direction I normally do, then I vacuumed in the opposite direction. German Shepherds have 2 coats, so in the spring & summer Deigo is constantly shedding hair! I look forward to the fall and winter when he has his winter coat! Normally I vacuum twice before steam cleaning, otherwise my cleaner would get clogged!!
SECOND, I get my steam cleaner ready. I use Bissell pet stain and you can get it HERE. I clean the carpets. This step will get the stains off the carpet, but not the smell.
THIRD, a week later, after the carpets have dried completely, I repeat the first step. Then I mix a white vinegar mixture. I fill half the tank with white vinegar, I add 1 cup of the Bissell, 3 Tbsp blue Dawn and fill it the rest of the way with water.
FORTH, I clean the carpets again. I usually do this step once a month while I only clean for stains when needed.
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