About the Queens

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Colors, To date updates, and Etc.

So... I know that it has been a minute since we have posted...

My sweet shelby and I have been Super busy lately!
We apologize!!

I do want to take a minute... And ask Everyone to pray for those that have recently been effected by the deadly and devasting tornadoes ......

This post I'm showing you all my
to - date
updates, on our Hizzy!

We put a LOT of work into it. Although... This winter was such a long and hard winter... I think we just hibernated for a while until it warmed up some b/c we did very few updates during the cold winter months!
But, boy are we back at it!!!
Some that has not been completed yet... I can't wait to show yall when they are!!

Let's Get Started!!!

We'll start with the craft room First.... Because I need your Help!!
I haven't done a whole lot with the craft room yet. I've merely got them organized. I have a lot of plans for my craft room... But, that will require my hand dandy husband putting up shelving, peg boards, and building me a table... In due time...
I have my main table in front of my window. I can see my beautiful deck, peaceful trees, and my pond... Which I'm hoping will induce a ton of creative ideas.... Ha ha!
We'll See!!

Here is my pickle... I can't seem to pick a stinking color for my craft room!!
My closest friends know... I am a YELLOW fan... But, I love the blue.. But, I think I may have too much of that working through out my home... That peachy pink color... Is in the work for another room at the moment... Therefore... I may have too much of that as well... Leaving my favorite color... Yellow...
Craft Room BEFORE
Craft Room To date

What do you think????

Moving on.......

It turned out exactly how I wanted...

It was a TON of work....
I (the hubs helped some) he he!
It was A LOT of SANDING... I used a power sander with a medium grit.
I bought a Ton of KILZ spray cans. Personally I felt like I wouldn't get the drip markings you sometimes get with brushing paint.

I then used a satin finished white spray cans again... Not for everyone. Again, I felt like I wouldn't get the brush runs.
I only sanded the doors... I just used KILZ on the actual cabinets.
I was told to put a glaze on top.... When I was finishing these, I had signed up to throw my future sister in law a baby shower for my perfect neice...
Time caught up to me... So... we didn't get the glaze on. Looking at the door now. I can tell you if your going to put the time into it put the glaze on the first time. I will eventually have to put it on.
I also recommend doing it outside!!!

It was hard work and time consuming... But, I love it!!!

On to the Living Room

Ok... Our house was FULL of BEAUTIFUL custom trim, wainscotting, and crown molding.......
I Hated IT!!!
So... I did what any normal person would do..... NOT!!!
I decided I would SAND every bit of Trim, Wainscotting, and Crownmolding....
For the LOVE OF PETE... Someone should have slapped me!
Talk about WORK!
I thought I gave my father a heart attack... He came in and said I broke every wood workers heart sanding down all of that beautiful wood!
..........Oh well........
I actually had to do the majority of the sanding and painting in the living room ...

You see! When we moved in... Our deck's baluster’s were not up to “Code” and insurance would not cover it, we had 30 days from the day we signed the papers to have the baluster’s replaced and 4 inches apart.
So needless to say he was busy!!

I could NOT use an electric sander for the majority of the trim due to the detail.

Ok... I feel better!

Though the struggle was Real ya'll !!
The end result again was really...
Magnificent!!! (Well I thought so) 

I loveee My Fire Place.......... NOW....
It looks much more difficult that it actually is...

I White washed my Fire place. It speaks for itself!

p.s. It's super easy...

If you plan to do this.... Do NOT plan to stay clean.
YOU NEED: White Paint, Water, Gloves, Paint brush, and a dry cloth ( you never plan to use again)

I got a bucket that you get at lowe's to carry your paint with you in.
~I filled it a quarter of the way with White paint.
~ I filled another quarter with water.
I then dipped my brush in the mixture. Painted a big sloppy amount onto the brick
Then blot off with dry towel.
That's it!


Here is the deck my awesome husband re-did! He's awesome! I know!

I hope you've enjoyed tonight's post!
Please don't hesitate to ask me any questions!

I have been on a health kick lately... I've recently lost 6 lbs... I've been trying throughout the week to Eat Clean...
I've made a Weekly menu... I'm thinking about posting 

My plan and meals...

Would any of you be interested in that???

Don't Forget to help with My Craft room Colors! 

Have a Fantastic Week!


  1. Your house is beautiful Ashley! Your hard work paid off!!!

  2. Think the yellow would best fit your craft room. With it been your space to do crafts and been yellow is your favorite color the energy you will get off of been somewhere that your comfortable will inspire you more and you want to be inspired in a craft room lol. I can't wait to have my own craft room...one day due time... but for now its scattered through out the house :-)

  3. Thanks Cyndi! I actually decided on yellow! I can't wait! You don't need a whole room! A closet would do even, you could make it a mini office/craft space. Love ya! xoxo
