About the Queens

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

2 Queens... Q & A

Q & A with Ashley & Shelby....

We will answer 20 questions about ourselves and 20 questions about each other... this should be interesting!!!

Lets get going! Shelby will answer in Green and Ashley will answer in Blue.

We answered these about ourselves....
  1. Name? Shelby, Ashley
  2. Birthday? 9-4-84, 12-25-84
  3. Anniversary? 6-26-10, 3-16-11
  4. Shoe size? We are both an 8!
  5. Favorite Color? Green, Yellow
  6. Favorite college sports team? My husband informs me my answer is Ole Miss (long story), Ole Miss
  7. Favorite drink? Bad for me: coke, dr pepper  Healthy: lemon water, water Alcoholic: Budlight, grapefruit and vodka
  8. When did you start dating your husband? 1-1-07 (exactly 2 years after Ashley & Justin), 1-1-05
  9. Pet names & breed? Deigo- german shepherd, Coal- black cat, Tucker- standard poodle.. Angelica- pit bull, Marlowe- pit bull/boxer mix
  10. What activities were you involved in high school? Cheerleading (co captain my senior year. GO TIGERS!) and I was a diamond girl. Soccer & Cheerleading, I was also in a competitive singing choir group, diamond girl and vice president of Education of America.
  11. Can you dance? Hell to the NO!, Yes I can
  12. Favorite ice cream? Cookies & Cream, Pink Elephant from our local ice cream place (but its orange not pink).
  13. Favorite movie? Steel Magnolias & Dirty Dancing,  Because I Said So
  14. Favorite TV show? Scandal & Grey's Anatomy, Grey's & Scandal... hey... that's what I put!
  15. How do you like your eggs? Sunny side up, Over medium
  16. Favorite music? Song? Anything 80s & 90s... Jealousy by Natalie Merchant, Ooooo Lord, it depends on the day... I like country & rap.
  17. Do you wear glasses? near sighted or far? Yes, both! I didn't have to wear glasses until I had Reeves. Pregnancy is fun! Yes, neither, we think its a neoumuscular disease!
  18. *Just for Shelby* How did you find you were pregnant? For a week I kept getting nauseous at night right before bed, I took 5 tests before I told Chad. *Just for Ashley* How did you find out Shelby was pregnant? I knew before she told anybody else because I just knew. I asked her and she wouldn't tell me at first. Finally she told me and said not to tell anybody because she hadn't been to the doctor!
  19. Biggest fear? Heights and that people are talking about me. failing and small spaces.
  20. Greatest achievement to date? Reeves, My Career (Dental Hygienist)
Do you feel like you know us a little better? 
We answered the next 20 about each other... pretty funny......

  1. When did we meet? High school- 10th grade, Our sophomore year in January
  2. How old were we when met? 16ish, It was in January so 16?
  3. How did we meet? First week of 10th grade, our friend Amy invited Ashley to ride home with us after school. I was driving then. We became friends the night of our friend Lacey's 16th birthday party! In the parking lot of our high school.
  4. Best memory of each other? The day of my wedding. Ashley was all about me, which helped my nerves! She was the best Maid of Honor!, I surprised Shelby when she lived with her parents. We went downtown and danced at that placed that looked like a warehouse! We had a blast that weekend! That was so much fun! I was so surprised!!
  5. Worst memory of each other? Our senior year, I flipped my car. Ashley was with me! It was scary! Any fight with Shelby...I can't think of a particular one.
  6. Our favorite qualities in each other? Ashley's attitude towards life, it's the complete opposite of mine! Shelby's funny and when she loves, she loves hard!
  7. Least favorite qualities in each other? The way she thinks about herself... sometimes she can be pretty hard on herself! Shelby can be an angry little girl!!! 
  8. How did you find out the other was engaged? Ashley texted me a picture of the ring that said I said yes! Shelby texted me and told me she was getting married June 26.
  9. Funniest memory of each other? Ashley didn't get her drivers license until a year or so after everybody else did. The first time we drove to the next town, I was with her. It was super exciting! We were on the interstate (for the first time) with the windows down and the music up! Before we knew it, the tornado siren went off (first of the month thing), Ashley thought she was getting pulled over and stopped on the shoulder! it was SO FUNNY! We went to Missouri to float down the Current River. We all woke up with headaches (don't know why). We ran to Walmart and I grabbed some ibuprofen. The whole float everybody was so mellow and almost falling asleep. After the float I realized I have everybody ibuprofen PM! oops! 
  10. How many vacations have we been on? Story? 3? two river trips and my baby moon? When I was 7 months pregnant we took my best friends and their husbands to the beach for our baby moon. We knew it would be a long time before we could go somewhere without Reeves! We had so much fun and ate the best food! We have grown up together so "vacations" can be an objective term. ha ha! We have traveled to many places together whether it be to Shelby's grandparents in central Mississippi, to baseball games in high school to the lake for a weekend in Mississippi riding ski boats, to the beach on their baby moon, to floating down rivers with friends or family vacations. Lets just say we've traveled together so many places since we were 16!
  11. If we were to go on vacation now, where would we go? Disney or a girls cruise! To the beach?
  12. Best thing about each other's looks? Ashley's amazing smile, it's infectious!!! Shelby has some really awesome features! Her hair and her gorgeous eyes!
  13. In high school, what were we doing on a Friday night? Ashley couldn't do much, she had to be home at 8! hahahaha jk. Her mom was really strict!!! Cheering!
  14. What do we do on Friday nights now? At home with our families! Crafting, nothing (and when I say nothing I mean living life with a 2 year old "nothing") or at Shelby's parents.
  15. How many concerts have we seen together? Oh my,  Reba, Sugarland, Kidrock? Reba, Kid Rock, Sugarland... is that all?
  16. What's the other's husband's job? Justin is a fire fighter and he owns a tile company!  Chad runs the jail.
  17. What was each other's first car? Ashley drove a green Toyota something.. maybe? I know for sure it was green! Oh gosh, that blue thing! The death wagon!
  18. What flavor was each other's wedding cake? Lemon? (yes) Vanilla? (yes)
  19. What color is each other's eyes? Blue! Gray and blue.
  20. What color is each other's natural hair color? Dark blonde. The color you hair is now. blowfish brown. hahaha blondish* brown. um... she hasn't looked at me in a while. Its doodoo brown. 
That was too much fun! We had so much fun answering those questions together!

We'll leave you with some of our favorite pictures......

@Shelby's wedding. Ashley was my Maid of Honor

@Ashley's wedding. Shelby was my Matron of Honor and she was 5 months pregnant

Halloween 2009 (Shelby was Beth, dog the bounty hunter's wife, and Ashley was queen of hearts)
 Spring River 2009 
                                                               Shelby's 23rd Birthday
Ashley's Graduation from Dental Hygienist School
                                                          Waiting to see NEW MOON!
Sometime in high school
Shelby's 26th birthday, local fair!
@Ashley's Wedding Shower 
@A party 2006
                                                            @Shelby' s Baby Shower
Shelby's Bachelorette Party (I was too pregnant to go to Ashley's Bachelorette Party, boo)
Junior Year 2001
We love each other
Reeves's 2nd Birthday Party
Painting Shelby's old house
                                                        Night before Shelby's Wedding

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